Our Team Is Here To Get You Back To Doing What You Love, Pain Free

We have a wide array of options to help you get back to doing what you love in Kansas City!

Many chiropractic offices only adjust. When you only have a hammer, everything is a nail. We do things differently.

At Bergner Chiropractic, we never utilize a one-tool approach. We utilize a wide array of treatments so that we can be assured that we are matching you with exactly what treatment you need. Some of our most commonly used techniques include:

  • Adjustments
  • Dry Needling
  • Active Release Technique
  • Functional Performance Rehab
  • Mobility Training 
  • IASTM (Graston)
  • Cupping

Patients are typically able to receive several of these treatment methods in the same session. 

Each session will ALWAYS end with some sort of functional rehab, because if we want to get you moving well, we need to get you moving period! 

We will give you 1-3 exercises that will have the most impact on your ability to move pain-free. 

Take back control of your health and your life today.

We're excited to help you get free from pain so you feel amazing again.