Here Are Some Frequently Asked Questions That Our Team Has Taken The Time To Answer For You

What makes us different at Bergner Chiropractic?

You will not receive a cookie-cutter approach here.

You will not receive a quick adjustment and then kicked out the door.

You will not be grouped in with 3 other people during your sessions.

You will receive 1-on-1 care that addresses your root cause, empowers and educates you, and sets you on a course to long-term vitality. 

Do you offer free consultations?

Yes, we offer free, no-obligation phone or in-person consultations with Dr. Bergner to determine if Bergner Chiropractic is the right place for you.

The free discovery callis designed for those who are unsure as to whether they should make an appointment, as well as for those who would simply like to ask questions about their condition before making an appointment.

This in-depth consultation usually lasts 15-30 minutes and requires an appointment time for Dr. Bergner to meet with you. If you prefer, you can always ask a question via e-mail at Dr. Bergner and his team will usually respond in less than 24 hours. 

Do you accept insurance?

Why we have chosen to be an out-of-network provider

Bergner Chiropractic is a self-pay office for non-medicare patients, meaning we do not directly submit to insurance. Doing so allows us to structure our treatment plans to what is best for YOU and your unique condition, without having to submit to the inconsistencies and limitations that different insurance plans/coverages dictate for care. We chose this model after Dr. Bergner spent many hours shadowing other chiropractors. Some took insurance and some didn't. Dr. Bergner noticed that those that didn't take insurance had the ability to spend more time with their patients, tailor a treatment plan that was not limited in any way, and therefore get better outcomes than in-network clinics. Bergner Chiropractic is all about outcomes. We want you to get the outcome that you desire. Being free from the restrictions of insurance gives us the best ability to focus on our patients and deliver that outcome. 

If you would still like to use your insurance, we can provide you with a superbill which you can submit to your insurance for reimbursement. This is essentialy a receipt for your insurance provider that breaks out the reimbursable codes that you were charged for. Patients often find that they get reimbursed quickly through this method. 

We also accept HSA/FSA cards!


What to expect

Patients should plan to spend 1 hour with Dr. Bergner for a daily visit that will encompass chiropractic adjustments, soft-tissue work, and rehabilitative exercises. 

New patient examations can expect to spend 1 hour with Dr. Bergner as he performs a thorough examination, history, and movement assessment. If time allows and Dr. Bergner determines it is safe, treatment may be performed on your first visit. 

What To Wear When Coming to Bergner Chiropractic

We are a movement-based clinic, so be sure to wear comfortable and loose clothing that will not interfere or get in the way of the treatment you are booked for. We need to be able to see how your spine, shoulders, hips, ankles, feet, etc. are moving so that we can assess every possible joint dysfunction. And yes, you do get to keep your clothes on.

How long will I have to come in for treatment?

Treatment plans vary based on a variety of factors including age, health history, and how long your symptoms have been present. 

We generally start out with a 3-4 week treatment plan to see how your body responds and then we re-assess from there to see where we need to cement the positive results: 

Our approach follows 3 phases of care:

Phase 1 – Activate

Goals of this phase:

  • Decrease overall pain
  • Increase range of motion
  • Increase motor control

Phase 2 – Stabilize

Goals of this phase:

  • Cement improved range of motion
  • Cement improved motor control
  • Keep pain away long-term

Phase 3 – Integrate

Goals of this phase:

  • Exceed performance goals 
  • Optimal performance with physical activity
  • Do things you didn't even know you could do!


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