Treatment Technique

During an IASTM session, Dr. Bergner uses specifically designed instruments to apply controlled microtrauma to the affected soft tissues. This process stimulates a local inflammatory response, promoting the body’s natural healing process. The instruments are used to scrape and massage the skin and underlying tissues in a precise manner, breaking down scar tissue and adhesions. This controlled stimulation helps to remodel the soft tissues, restore normal function, and alleviate pain.

Applications of IASTM

IASTM is versatile and can be used to treat a wide range of conditions affecting various parts of the body. Some common applications include:

  1. Tendinitis and Tendinosis: IASTM is effective in treating conditions such as Achilles tendinitis, patellar tendinitis, and lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) by breaking down scar tissue and promoting healing in the tendons.

  2. Fascial Restrictions: IASTM addresses fascial restrictions, which can contribute to conditions like plantar fasciitis, IT band syndrome, and myofascial pain syndrome.

  3. Muscle Strains and Sprains: By reducing inflammation and breaking down adhesions, IASTM helps to treat muscle strains and sprains, promoting faster recovery and reducing pain.

  4. Post-Surgical Scarring: IASTM can be used to treat post-surgical scars, improving tissue mobility and reducing pain associated with scar tissue.

  5. Chronic Pain Conditions: Conditions like chronic back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain can be alleviated with IASTM by targeting and treating underlying soft tissue dysfunction.

Benefits of IASTM

IASTM offers several benefits for patients, making it a popular choice among healthcare practitioners and patients alike.

Pain Relief

One of the primary benefits of IASTM is its ability to provide significant pain relief. By targeting and breaking down scar tissue and adhesions, IASTM helps to reduce inflammation, decrease pain, and restore normal tissue function. Patients often experience immediate relief after treatment, although multiple sessions may be required for lasting results.

Improved Mobility

IASTM helps to restore normal range of motion and flexibility by breaking up scar tissue and adhesions that restrict movement. This is particularly beneficial for athletes and individuals with physically demanding jobs who need to maintain optimal mobility and performance.

Enhanced Healing

IASTM promotes the body’s natural healing process by stimulating a localized inflammatory response. This controlled microtrauma encourages the production of new collagen and the remodeling of soft tissues, leading to improved tissue health and function.

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